Saturday, 21, September, 2024


The Kazakh airline FlyArystan will resume Almaty to Samarkand direct flights. According to Uzbekistan Airports, the first twice-a-week Almaty-Samarkand flight is scheduled for March 15, 2023 on Airbus A320 on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Experts from the Institute for Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research (IFMR) analyzed the steps taken in 2017-2022 aimed at developing the services market in Uzbekistan and their findings.

Workshop was held in Tashkent on the progress and the development of future steps in the framework of the South Korean EIPP (Economic Innovation Partnership Program) projects on economic and innovative cooperation in Uzbekistan.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) imposed full blocking sanctions against 22 individuals and entities across multiple countries related to a sanctions evasion network supporting Russia’s military-industrial complex.

The President met and talked with Andijan activists. At the meeting, he underscored that along with the economic growth, the improvement of livelihoods of the population, the electricity consumption is increasing day by day.

Buses lanes are planned on a total of Tashkent’s 73 central streets, this was discussed at a government meeting chaired by the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on Tuesday, the presidential press service said.

Corpse of a 12-year-old girl with traces of rape and murder was found in the Yangikhayot district on January 31. In the summer of 2022, the suspect was doing renovation work at the house of the deceased girl as a hired worker.

The next season of growing desert plants on the dry bottom of the sea kicked off in the former Aral Sea. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, these steps are aimed at preventing the rise of harmful salts and dust from the dry seabed.

Team of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has completed a five-day mission to Uzbekistan to review security processes for site evaluation of the first nuclear power plant (NPP).

Government issued Amending the regulation on procedure for registering foreign citizens and stateless persons at the place of temporary residence on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan Resolution, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated September 28, 2020 No. 593 due to the improvement of the procedure for registering foreign citizens and stateless persons citizenship.

Exports of goods from the European Union that were subjected to delivery restrictions to the Russian Federation, to neighboring six countries, including Uzbekistan, increased by 95%, while their supplies to Russia decreased by 71%.

Minister of Investments, Industry and Trade Laziz Qudratov hosted the head of the delegation of the EU in Uzbekistan Charlotte Adrian. The parties discussed the ways to advance the bilateral ties in trade, economy and investment spheres, cooperation within the framework of Uzbekistan's WTO membership and other issues of interest to the parties.

Amendments have been made to the Agreement on the terms for mutual trips of citizens of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, the Agency for External Labor Migration said.

The State Assets Management Agency (SAMA) announced the sale of a state-owned stake in the Kokand Biokimyo enterprise.  Acceptance of bids for the privatization of 99.7% government stake began in January 2022. The investment company UzAssets attracted Deloitte as a consultant, and Dentons for legal assistance. 

The Embassy of the United States made a statement on the trial over the accused who were said to have led the mass riots in Krarakalpakstan. "With the conclusion of the trial of 22 people accused of actions related to the tragic events in Karakalpakstan in July, the U.S. Embassy continues to call for the government to fulfill its commitments to public transparency and to hold accountable any members of the security forces who violated Uzbek law,", the statement said.

Deputy Secretary of the Security Council, Special Representative of the President of Uzbekistan for Foreign Policy Course Abdulaziz Kamilov visited Italy.

Uzbekistan climbs 14 places to rank 126th out of 180 countries in the 2022 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) and was named one of the best improvers in the fight against corruption over the past 5-10 years, Transparency International said in a report on Tuesday.

Uzbekistan gas filling stations starts selling imported Russian AI-80 gasoline. Import contracts were signed with Russian companies for 50,000 tons of AI-80 gasoline, and 5,000 tons to business entities. At present, the price of imported gasoline at Uzbekneftegas filling stations is sold at 6000-6200 soums.

The Court of First Instance, chaired by Judge of the Judicial Collegium of the Criminal Court of Karakalpakstan Yelubay Abibullayev, at a meeting on January 31, announced the verdict against 22 accused.

By its Jan. 30 resolution, the Central Election Commission removed the former Tashkent mayor and member of the Tashkent deputies council, Jahongir Ortiqhodjaev from the list of Senate members.