Friday, 20, September, 2024


President signed the Measures to implement the project "Restoration of sustainable forest landscapes in Uzbekistan" with the participation of the International Development Association Decree.

On April 2-3, humid air from the southern regions of the Caspian Sea will spread to the territory of Uzbekistan, Uzhydromet reported.

President Mirziyoyev signed the Measures for the implementation of the project "Integrated development of rural areas" (2nd stage) with the participation of the Islamic Development Bank Decree.

By order of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Pulat Bobojonov dated March 31, an increase in registration and re-registration fees of motor vehicles and their trailers (semi-trailers) has been approved.

The Cabinet of Ministers issued a resolution including measures to reduce the negative impact of vehicles on the atmosphere.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed decree making changes in the top management of the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Energy said.

A number of media outlets and bloggers reported last week on the planned tightening of the procedure for importing cars into Uzbekistan starting from April 1.

Каждый класс в общеобразовательной школе важен для ученика. Это касается, как младшего, так и старшего звена. Особое место в образовательном процессе занимает курс 9 класса. Именно в этот период ученики получают максимум информации, которая будет необходима для дальнейшего обучения и сдачи НМТ.

The Rubtsovsky City Court of the Altai Territory of Russia decided to take into custody an Uzbek national on charges of justifying terrorism, the press service of the regional courts said.

The Anti-Corruption Agency has published a rating of the effectiveness of the anti-corruption measures in government bodies of Uzbekistan in 2023. Last year, the agency examined 95 government organizations, of which 59 were re-evaluated, and 36 were inspected for the first time. 42 bodies receiving 81-100 points received a “good” rating, 38 government agencies received a “satisfactory” score (55-80 points), and 15 government agencies received an “unsatisfactory” score (below 55 points).

Tashkent police enhanced measures to ensure the public safety, the Tashkent city police department said. The police switched to enhanced duty in shopping centers, parks, markets and other public places.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev hosted the Chairman of the People's Government of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) of China, Erkin Tuniyaz on Thursday, the presidential press service said.

The World Bank, in collaboration with the Senate of Oliy Majlis, the Committee for Family and Women's Affairs, the Development Strategy Center, and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO), presented key findings and recommendations of the Uzbekistan Country Gender Assessment Report.

The Senate will convene for fifty-first plenary meeting on March 30, 2024 via conference call. Among the items to be reviewed by the sentaors are the Telecommunications Bill, Amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, aimed at strengthening guarantees of the independence of the judiciary, informing the public about the activities of the courts and ensuring uniform judicial practice and other amendments.

Surkhandarya province governor, Ulug'bek Kasimov held talks with the president of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhonov at the Guest House in Termiz district.

Tomorrow on Friday, the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change will hold Car-Free Day in Tashkent.

The Children's Ombudsman, Surayyo Rakhmonova, has taken the oversight over the situation with two girls in Karshi, who had been subjected to violence and humiliation by their own father for a long time. This was reported by the press service of the Children's Ombudsman.

On March 20, a fight between two schoolchildren resulted in one of them dying in Angren, Tashkent province, the provincial department of preschool and school education reported.

Russian gas supply volumes to Uzbekistan via Kazakhstan will increase almost 3 times in 2024 to the last year, the TASS said with reference to the Kazakh Ministry of Energy.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev hosted a US Congress delegation including Steve Daines, Mike Rogers, Adam Smith, Salud Carbajal, and Veronica Escobar, the presidential press service said.