Friday, 20, September, 2024


Today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Russian ambassador Oleg Malginov, the press service of the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Footage of a fire at a poultry factory in Pskent surfaced on social networks. The press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations said that on December 21 at 15:20 they received information about a fire at one of the poultry farms located in the Kultepa mahalla in the Pskent district of Tashkent province.

Uzbekistan exported $ 1.28 billion worth of gold in November (which led to a decrease in the gold reserves of the Central Bank). While, year-to-date, the gold exports have reached US$ 8.15 billion, which is 2.3 times more than the same period last year.

The UN General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution on environmental threats to Central Asia put forward by Uzbekistan.

Gas production in Uzbekistan in the 11 months of 2023 topped 42.75 billion cubic meters (BCM), a 9.6%, or 4.56 BCM decrease, compared to the same period last year, the Statistics Agency follows said in a report.

Центробежные питательные насосы типа ПЭ 100-53 предназначены для обеспечения водой стационарных паровых котлов, способных работать при абсолютном давлении пара до 6,2 МПа (63 кгс/см²). Они являются ключевым элементом в системах современных паровых котлов.

5 members of one family died from carbon monoxide poisoning in the Karakalpakstan autonomy, with 2 more people hospitalized on December 15, the spokesman to the Prosecutor General's Office said.

US authorities returned 119 Uzbek nationals who illegally entered the country back to Uzbekistan, the UzReport TV reported, which met the arriving Uzbek citizens at the Tashkent airport. The footage was posted on the Telegram channel of the Agency for External Labor Migration.

Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov prohibited government bodies from holding New Year parties at the expense of budgetary and extra-budgetary funds. This became known last week at the government meeting. The information was confirmed by the PM’s spokesman, Bekzod Khidoyatov.

Law enforcement agencies arrested the Namangan province deputy governor in charge of construction, development of communications, environmental protection, Saidakhmad Sultanov, the press service of the Namangan provincial court said.

Another case of a bank employee betting public money on gambling occurred in Uzbekistan. According to the State Security Samarkand province branch, a person who worked as a department head at the Halq Bank was arrested for betting 631 million soums, 51 thousand USD of public funds on gambling.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is officially launching the ‘Women Artisans of Central Asia: A Lookbook Journey digital and print publication. This compilation features stunning items produced by 50 Central Asian women artisans of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, showcasing their remarkable craftsmanship to the world, and opening new commercial opportunities for their businesses.

Resident of the Keles city which is in Tashkent province contacted the Children's Ombudsman about sexual abuse of her daughter, 4, in kindergarten.

The president signed a bill into law amending the election-related regulations. Now the number of females must be at least 40% of the number of candidates nominated by a political party in single-mandate electoral districts.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev made remarks at the International Anti-Corruption Excellence Award ceremony in Tashkent today, the presidential press service said.

Law enforcement bodies, as part of the anti-corruption campaign, arrested the mayor of Bekabad district of Tashkent province, Shukhrat Mirzaev in suspicion of embezzling funds, a source told the Tashkent Times.

Joint delegation of Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment and the Foreign Labor Migration Agency visited Saudi Arabia to hold talks with Saudi firms.

The structure of the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade (MIIT) will be revised in Uzbekistan, announced Shavkat Mirziyoyev this at the Dec. 18 government meeting, the president’s spokesman Sherzod Asadov.

The meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) took place in Moscow on Monday.

On Monday, a video of a fire that occurred in the morning in a Yashnabad home surfaced on social networks. As the spokesman to the General Prosecutor's Office, Khayot Shamsutdinov said three people died in the fire - a woman, 28, and her two daughters, aged 8 and 5.