Thursday, 06, March, 2025

Uzbek celebrities were requested not to promote religion and to show off lavish lifestyles, in a meeting organized by the Ministry of Culture on professional ethos.

In the meeting were present the First Deputy Minister of Culture Bakhodir Akhmedov, the management of Uzbekconcert, police officers and celebrities. The meeting considered issues of compliance by artists with requirements outlined in licenses, the inadmissibility of promoting religion in the professional activity.

In the were discussed the importance of strict compliance with laws, behaving with honor and dignity during foreign trips. The celebrities were reminded of the importance of abiding by Uzbek national values, morality and culture.

The performers were also called upon to observe the rules of ethics in clothing, to respect national customs, values ​​and traditions, to "reject lavish lifestyles", and to observe the rules of behaviour in public places.

The issues of song lyrics, copyright infringement and the need to increase the number of songs promoting "love for the Motherland and patriotism" were also reportedly touched upon.

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