Saturday, 27, July, 2024


Draft Uzbekistan’s Hydropower Industry Development Concept for 2020-2024 has been published for public consultation.

The Government of Uzbekistan announced the agenda for the next phase of its bold and ambitious reforms. The Reform Roadmap, revealed today, outlines the Government’s economic reform priorities over the next three years (2019-2021).

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree Thursday stimulating the export potential of domestic manufacturers. According to the document, as of January 1, legal entities who export over 15% of the total revenue from the sale of goods (works, services), including via an agent (confidant), shall see their taxable base for corporate income tax reduced by the amount of revenue made from exports of goods (works, services), as well as the single tax payment by the amount of export of goods (works, services).

The natural gas production volume in Uzbekistan is expected to surpass 61 billion cubic meters (BCM) by the year-end, a 5.2 BCM increase to 2017, according to Uzbekneftegaz.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Measures to Fundamentally Improve Uzbekistan’s Civil Aviation Decree, Uzbekistan Airways said.

The delegation of the UzAtom Agency visited Budapest on November 11-13 and Moscow on November 14-15, the agency said.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting devoted to discussing the state of affairs in the oil and gas industry and the ways to further development of the industry, the presidential press service of the head of state said.

The first international investment forum in tourism sphere kicked off today in Tashkent’s UzExpoCenter and will last through November 22.

The foundation stone laying ceremony of the Hyundai-Namangan KD plant for commercial vehicles in the Turakurgan district of Namangan province on Saturday, UzA reported.

The next Uzbek-German intergovernmental consultations on financial and technical cooperation were held today in Tashkent. Germany delegation was led by the head of the department for China, Central Asia, East Asia, Laos and Cambodia of the Federal Ministry of Economic Development and Development of Germany (BMZ) Kathrin Oellers, the Uzbek Committee for Investments said.

A record 3 million people number of passengers will have fliown on Uzbekistan Airways by the year-end, a 16% increase to 2017, the company announced.

Cooperation agreements were today signed between Uzbekistan and Italy companies, namely: Danieli & C.Officine Meccaniche SpA and JSC Uzbek Metallurgical Plant, as well as Danieli & C.Officine Meccaniche SpA and Toshkent Metallurgiya Zavodi LLC. In the ceremony were present the representatives of SFI Management Group LLC, the trsut management company of the Uzbek Metallurgical Plant.

The value of Uzbekistan’s trade in goods (export and import) in January-October 2018 reached 25,768.3 millions, posting a 15.9% increase to the last year, the Statistics Committee said.

Ukrainian pharmaceutical products are stuck at Uzbekistan’s customs post for several weeks with no explanation given by the Uzbek authorities, Ukrainian media outlets reported citing the Association of Employers' Organizations of the Medical and Microbiological Industry of Ukraine.

45% shares of UzbekKo’mir (transl. Uzbek Coal) belonging to Uzbekistan Railways could be handed over for trust management to the Russian company Progress Gor Tekh.

General Electric has completed the delivery of the first batch of equipment for the modernization project of the Takhiatash Thermal Power Plant, the company said.

Data on reserves, mining and sales of minerals, including precious and rare metals, may be disclosed for the public in Uzbekistan, according to the draft government resolution.

Uzbekistan is eager to commence the construction and commissioning of the first nuclear power plant as soon as possible and has requested the Russian experts to speed up the resolving of all issues, Uzbek Ambassador to Russia Botirjon Asadov told RIA Novosti Monday.

Uzbekistan will provide US$ 733.9 million to the Muruntau Open-Pit Mining Project (stage V) Phase 1, the Cabinet of Ministers said.

Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov and Prime Minister of Belarus Sergei Rumas today signed the Cooperation Development Action Plan.