Saturday, 26, October, 2024

On June 22, a Charity Ball took place in the large hall of the TEAM University, organized by the British holding Silk Road Media Ltd. The event was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the holding and brought together more than a hundred representatives of the business and cultural community from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, the USA, UK, India, Belarus, Finland, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Israel. As part of the ball, the opening ceremony of the first World Coaching Championship and the presentation of Jonathan Fryer medals for outstanding contribution to the development and promotion of culture and art of the countries of Eurasia took place.

The Ball was opened with a welcoming remarks from Andrew Wachtel, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the University TEAM (general partner of the Charity Ball). Andrew told the international guests a little about the university and noted the importance of holding such events as part of strengthening international relations. Next, the guests were greeted by the creator and head of the holding Silk Road Media Ltd (UK), publisher Marat Akhmedzhanov. Marat Ismailovich shared the history, mission and values ​​of the holding and thanked everyone who was able to join the celebration of the company’s anniversary.

As the host of the event, Taina Kaunis, advisor to the Silk Road Media holding, noted, in 2024 the jubilee is being marked not only by the holding itself, but also by its divisions. While, the OCA Magazine celebrates 15 years, and the publishing house Hertfordshire Press celebrates 10 years of history, and the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) celebrates its anniversary year (9 years).

Guests of the Ball, among whom were the famous artist Alinka Rashidov, director Aliaskar Fatkhullin, internationally renowned composer Tolibkhon Shahidi, representatives of the diplomatic corps of embassies of different countries in Uzbekistan, honored cultural figures of Uzbekistan, as well as the heads of large companies Don't Hai Intertrade and Asklepiy Group, got to know more about the charitable projects carried out by the holding. Particular emphasis was placed on publishing books by authors from Eurasian countries (Central Asia, Eastern Europe), holding festivals and promoting creative people from the region at the international level. More than 30 people supported the charity work of Silk Road Media, showing their concern. The unique project of creating a comic book museum dedicated to the theme of autism and inclusion, Elish & Superheroes, received the greatest support from the guests.

As part of the Ball program, the first international World Coaching Championship (WCC) was also inaugurated, organized by Silk Road Media together with the general partner of the championship, the Elena Bezrukova Center (Kazakhstan). Elena Arkadyevna Bezrukova herself, as the President of the championship, greeted all participants in both the competition and festival program of the championship, noting that the competing coaches had already become WCC laureates, and the winners would be determined on June 25. The master class program will take place on June 23-25 ​​at the site of one of the key partners of the festival - the Bek Tashkent Hotel, and the cultural program will take place on June 26-28 in Khiva and Nukus. The general manager of the Le Grande Plaza hotel, also a partner of the festival, Sheikh Dawood, also said words of support to the guests and participants of the WCC. He wished all participants good luck in the competition.

The “New Silk Road” Charity Ball has also become the place for the official presentation of the first issue of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) magazine. The issue's editor-in-chief, Guardian of ECG (London) Saltanat Khamzeeva (Kazakhstan) shared the main points of the history of the issue's creation, and also thanked other ECG (London) members who wrote articles for the issue, some of whom were present at the Ball.

A significant event and the culmination of the Ball program was the ceremony of presenting memorial medals named after Jonathan Fryer (Great Britain) - writer, literary researcher and member of the ECG (London). The medal was awarded for contribution to the development and promotion of cultural projects of Eurasian countries at the international level. The following were attached to the medal:

- Gulsifat Shahidi (Tajikistan) - prose writer, publicist, literary critic, academician of the International Academy for the Development of Literature (MALI), winner of many international awards.

- Gulnara Sharafovna Rashidova (Uzbekistan) - directice of the Sharaf Rashidov Foundation, academician, public figure. The medal was received by the Foundation's representative, Said Burkhanov.

- Akmal Nur (Uzbekistan) - painter, People's Artist of Uzbekistan, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Uzbekistan, full member of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, chairman of the Academy of Arts.

- Boris Rakhimovich Babaev (Uzbekistan) - journalist, founder of and the Intellectual Club.

- Alexey Ulko (Uzbekistan) - researcher, linguist and art critic, participant and jury member of Central Asian literature and experimental film festivals.

- Sirojiddin Rauf (Uzbekistan) - editor-in-chief of the magazines "Sharq Yulduzi" and "Star of the East".

The medal was presented by Marat Akhmedzhanov and the honorary co-chairman of the Ball, Gulsim Batyr, President of Tashkent Women International Group. She noted the importance of the existence of such platforms for self-realization, communication and creative development of women, such as ECG (London).

Guests of the Ball also enjoyed a concert program from the vocal duet Avicenna, and the “NAVO” Folk Ensemble of Uzbekistan performed musical works on folk instruments, deeply impressing the international guests.

Silk Road Media expresses gratitude to the partners and sponsors of the Ball and World Coaching Championships - hotels Le Grande Plaza (Tashkent), Bek Tashkent, Bek Khiva, ASEM (Nukus), Aral (Nukus), Council of Ministers of Karakalpakstan, Museum named after. Savitsky (Nukus), Khiva city khokimiyat, Ichan-Kalagallery Human House Museum (Tashkent), TEAM University (Tashkent), Medical Institute (Nukus), AkSai Travel travel agency (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan). We express special gratitude to the General Lessons educational center for providing a team of volunteers.

For inquiries, please contact :

Taina Kaunis,

Advisor to Silk Road Media Ltd. and Hertfordshire Press,

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WhatsApp: +44 7938 823815

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