Monday, 16, September, 2024


The five-year campaign “Plant a Million Garden Trees” was launched on Friday in Nukus, which will cover Karakalpakstan, Bukhara and Kashkadarya provinces.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has chosen the project for the new terminal for Samarkand International Airport, the Uzbekistan 24 said.

The United States, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), supported a two-day regionwide workshop on the Concept and Prospects for a Central Asia Regional Electricity Market (CAREM). Power sector representatives from all five Central Asian countries attended the conference and shared their nation’s experiences on recent developments and current priorities in their respective power sectors. International experts presented best practices of electricity markets successfully implemented in other regions.

For the first time, Uzbekistan air forces tested the CHinese FD-2000 air defence system at the Kulkuduk training ground, In the Navoi province, the Uzbek Defense Ministry said.

On October 24, the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev familiarized himself with the construction progress of the Sergeli extension of the Chilonzor metro line, the presidential press service said.

Uzbekistan’s population stood at 33.72 million on October 1, increasing by 469 thousand, or 1.4% year-to-date, the State Committee on Statistics said.

In January-September 2019, the average monthly salary before tax in Uzbekistan topped 2,213.4 thousand soums, or US$ 235, recording a 31.2% increase compared to 2018, the State Statistics Committee said in a report.

The President, by his October 23 decree, approved the Uzbekistan’s Agriculture Development Strategy for 2020–2030.

On October 21, a monitoring group, formed by the Oliy Majlis’s Human Rights Commissioner (Ombudsman), visited Nafosat Ollashukurova, who is undergoing compulsory treatment in a psychoneurological dispensary in the Khorezm province since September 26, the Ombudsman’s office said in a statement.

On October 22, at 22:00,, citizen K. G. (45, self-employed), his wife and two children, residents of Oston village in Khorezm's Yangiarik district, died in their house as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning from a self-made heating stove, with investigation now underway, the General Prosecutor's Office said.

On October 22, the Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan, Sardor Umurzakov met with the U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross in Washington.

The Tashkent’s Yunusabad district Deputy Mayor in charge of construction, E.Z. has been caught red-handed while receiving a bribe of US$ 5,000 for registration of ownership of a building erected without permit, the head of the public relations and legal information department of the General Prosecutor’s Office, Khayot Shamsutdinov said.

Today, on October 22, the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev hosted a delegation of the state of Gujarat of India, headed by the chief minister of the state of Vijay Rupani.

The servicemen of the special-purpose regiment from Uzbekistan won gold medal in Phase Four of the Cambrian Patrol exercise in Wales, UK.

The Minister of Justice Ruslanbek Davletov on October 18 held talks with the leadership of the UK's University of Law (ULaw) on the earliest possible creation of a branch of the university in Tashkent, the Ministry of Justice said.

On October 18, the Khorezm Province Criminal Court sentenced to probation the journalist and poet Mahmud Rajapov, who was on trek with his relatives to Tashkent to meet the Minister of Internal Affairs, the official representative of the Supreme Court Aziz Abidov said.

On October 16, the President of Uzbekistan signed the Patronage Bill into Law, which was passed by the Legislative Chamber on August 14 and approved by the Senate on October 11.

An ICSID tribunal has ordered Uzbekistan to pay US$40 million to a group of Turkish investors in a shopping mall as a result of an expropriation while rejecting a larger claim for moral damages relating to physical abuse allegedly suffered at the hands of state authorities.

The Kashkadarya Chirakchi district criminal court on October 18 sentenced businessman Bahriddin Isomov to two years of hous arrest, and the former deputy mayor of the Yakkabag district Mansur Tuymaev to a fine and an obligation to pay damages to victims, the official representative of the Supreme Court, Aziz Abidov said.

Jamshid Kuchkarov has been a steady hand on the tiller during what has been one of the most rapid programmes of economic liberalisations in recent memory. After years spent held back by the strictures commonly left behind in former Soviet states, Kuchkarov was trusted by the reformist President Mirziyoyev to manage the liberalisation of the currency markets, a lightening of trade restrictions, and the country’s international bond market debut