Thursday, 19, September, 2024


Uzbekistan in 2022 will unify the main part of the technical regulations in force in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov said, speaking at a meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, which took place on November 19 online.

The President Shavkat Mirziyoyev will hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on 19 November. According to the Kremlin press service, the two leaders will discuss the ways to further advance bilateral ties, focusing on trade, investment and humanitarian cooperation. They will also discuss international issues, including the situation in Afghanistan.

The Foreign Ministers of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov and Russian Foreign Ministers Sergei Lavrov met in Moscow on November 18, the Uzbek Foreign Ministry said.

Akmalkhuja Mavlonov will become the chairman of the Customs Committee. His candidacy was approved at a meeting of the Legislative Chamber on November 18, the lower house said.

The President Shavkat Mirziyoyev will visit Belgium in 2022, where the expanded partnership and cooperation agreement is scheduled to be signed between Uzbekistan and the European Union.

Zoyir Mirzaev, who was relieved of his post as khokim of the Kashkadarya region, will be appointed as the Tashkent province governor. This information was confirmed by the press service of the Kashkadarya province governor office, Akhror Sodiqov.

The Secretary of the Security Council under the President of Uzbekistan Viktor Makhmudov held a working meeting in Moscow with the Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, the press service of the RF Security Council said.

About 600 bilateral accords totaling US$ 9 billion were signed as part of the second forum of inter-provinces cooperation between Uzbekistan and Russia, which was held in Moscow on November 17, the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade said.

The President signed a decree appointing Sherzod Shermatov as Minister for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Information said.

The Asian Paralympic Committee (APC) announced today (17/11/2021) that Tashkent in Uzbekistan will be the venue for the 2025 Asian Youth Para Games. The decision was taken by the APC’s Executive Board following a bid process that saw a number of NPCs express interest in hosting the event.

The Government of Uzbekistan in close cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme are developing an Integrated SDG Financing Strategy that accelerates progress in ending poverty, protecting the environment, and achieving all the 16 national Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Today’s round table event provided a platform to discuss main national priorities with Government and development partners and present an outline of the Integrated SDG Financing Strategy for Uzbekistan.

The visit of the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Russia will take place on November 19, announced the Deputy PM/Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade Sardor Umurzakov during his speech at the forum of interregional cooperation between the two countries.

On November 16, Brussels hosted the 16th EU-Uzbekistan Cooperation Council meeting, which was attended by the Uzbek government delegation headed by the Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov.

Today, on November 17, the presidents of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan held a telephone conversation. According to the press service of Akorda, the two leaders thoroughly exchanged views on the ways to further advance the strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan across the entire range of the bilateral agenda.

Eight more Russian universities intend to open their branches in Uzbekistan, said the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy at the second Russian-Uzbek educational forum that opened at Moscow State University on November 16.

On November 15, the President of Uzbekistan signed the Privatization of Non-Agricultural Land Plots Bill into Law. The Law was published by Хalq So’zi newspaper with immediate effect. 

EF Education First released the 2021 edition of its EF English Proficiency Index (EF EPI) on Tuesday, analysing data from two million non-native English speakers in 112 countries and regions. As worldwide levels of English improve, Scandinavia no longer dominates the top positions of this global ranking. The Netherlands held on to its number 1 spot by a comfortable margin.

The Senate convened the twenty-first plenary session on November 18, the Senate said. The senators will review the constitutional State of Emergency Bill, the Hydrometeorological Activities Law and amendments to the Protection of Consumer Rights Law.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) jointly with the Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan will be administering the National Early Grade Reading and Early Grade Mathematics Assessments (EGRA and EGMA) from November 15 to December 7, 2021. This collaboration between USAID and the Ministry marks the first time ever that a national standardized assessment of this scale has been attempted in Uzbekistan.

It is planned to introduce into the Uzbekistan legislation the liability for admitting nepotism when hiring and to expand the circle of relatives who are prohibited from working together in a government organization. A draft bill on this was developed by the Anti-Corruption Agency and was posted for public input until November 30.