Saturday, 21, September, 2024


Shavkat Mirziyoyev fired several district mayors in Andijan, Ferghana and Samarkand provinces. According to the presidential spokesman, the Asaka district mayor Mansurbek Alikhanov and the Ferghana district mayor Shukhratjon Muminov were sacked for non-compliance with the legislation on the regulation of land relations and other violations.

In order to study the process of introducing the SCADA system, as well as to exchange experience in the direction of building and operating digital substations with the support of the World Bank, a group of experts of National Electric Networks of Uzbekistan (MET) visited several facilities of the Georgian State Electric System (GSE) company.

The Cabinet of Ministers by the Sep. 20 resolution approved the regulation on procedure for electronic interaction and exchange of information through the digital data platform of the Electronic Government system, reported.

Acting Assistant Secretary for Global Public Affairs, Elizabeth Trudeau will visit Uzbekistan, the Department of State said on Tuesday.

Staff of the Consulate General of Uzbekistan met with Dr. Nadiya Ibrahim Bukhari, professor of Umm-ul Qur’a University in Mecca, the Dunyo reported.

The eighteenth meeting of the heads of security services and intelligence authorities of the CIS countries will be held in Moscow.

Today, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) launched a business development program for rural women entrepreneurs and artisans in the decorative felt production industry in Karakalpakstan. Participants will receive instruction in modern wool processing technologies, business training, and access to financing, which will help eliminate existing bottlenecks to industry growth. The program will contribute to the women-led revival of this ancient Karakalpak industry.

China Southern Airlines will launch Urumqi to Tashkent flights, Uzbekistan Airports said. Reportedly, the first passenger flight is scheduled for October 14, with flights to be operated by Boeing 737 and Boeing 787 aircraft once a week - on Fridays.

Delegation led by the Chairman of Chamber of Commerce and Industry D. Vahobov held talks with the senior executives of New Yorker Group in Braunschweig, North Saxony.

Foreign Minister Vladimir Norov met with expatriates working at U.S. banks, hedge funds, IT companies, major universities and medical institutions in New York.

Given the increasing number of foreigners coming to Uzbekistan to work, facilities are being created for them, the Single portal reported. Reportedly, currently foreign labour have the opportunity to obtain a work permit for in the territory of Uzbekistan online through or Lisenziya AT.

The Foreign Minister Vladimir Norov met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland Pekka Haavisto as part of his visit to New York to attend the 77th session of the UN General Assembly.

Opening ceremony of the Honorary Consulate of Lithuania took place in Tashkent on September 22. The event was attended by a delegation of the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Mantos Adomenas, as well as invited guests.

The Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov arrived in Bishkek to attend a meeting of government delegations on the issues of delimitation and delineation of the state border and will meet with the President of Kyrgyzstan.

Uzbekistan stands for strengthening the role of the United Nations in solving global and regional problems. “The organization must evolve to respond effectively to the ongoing changes,” said Foreign Minister Vladimir Norov, speaking at the general debate of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly in New York on September 24.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is promoting green innovation in the agribusiness sector of Uzbekistan by supporting operations of the country’s leading brewer UzCarlsberg.

On the sidelines of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, the Foreign Minister Vladimir Norov held talks with the Foreign Minister of Denmark, Jeppe Sebastian Kofod.

Foreign Minister Vladimir Norov held talks with U.S. State Department Special Representative for Afghanistan Thomas West and US Special Representative for Afghan Women, Girls and Human Rights Rina Ameri in New York.

Uzbekistan is discussing the possibility of developing the Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-India transport corridor using the Iranian port of Chabahar.

In order to promote tourism in the country, make full use of the newly created airport and boost a competitive environment in the air transport market, open sky policies will be introduced at Samarkand Airport from October 1.