Government issued Measures to simplify the requirements for the construction industry and systematize regulatory documents in the field of technical regulation Resolution.
According to the Resolution, one of the main goals of simplifying the requirements for the construction industry is to revise outdated and no longer relevant urban planning norms and rules.
As of January 1, 2023, the following will be established:
- price of construction and installation, reconstruction and capital repairs in the design and estimate documentation carried out in line with the Public Procurement Law shall be formed on the basis of estimated resource norms;
- for business entities that finance construction and installation, reconstruction and capital repairs at their own expense, the estimates and material limits will be advisory in nature;
- building regulations and the estimates and material limits shall not be included in the list of regulatory documents in the field of technical regulation and do not require their legal expertise;
- urban planning norms and rules shall be reviewed at least once every 3-4 years and updated as necessary;
- standards for building materials and equipment are accepted only by the Ministry of Construction;
- the relevant parts of projects developed on the basis of foreign regulatory documents, permitted simultaneously with national regulatory acts in the field of urban planning and passed an examination in foreign countries shall be directly recognized.