Friday, 20, September, 2024

The tenth meeting of the Council for Interprovincial and Cross-Border Cooperation of the CIS was held in a video call. The meeting was attended by representatives of Uzbekistan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia.

The participants discussed the state of interprovincial and cross-border cooperation in the CIS countries, the implementation of the Cooperation Concept until 2030, and also considered the organization’s new draft concept. The participants made presentations on the state of affairs in their countries.

The Chair of the Council, First Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Uzbekistan Saidkakhkhor Kholkhujaev noted that despite the pandemic, the volume of Uzbekistan's trade with the CIS countries is steadily growing.

The parties also discussed the concept of holding the first Forum of CIS provinces and decided to hold it in 2022 in Uzbekistan.

The Council for Interprovincial and Cross-Border Cooperation of the CIS Member States was established on October 10, 2008. Its main goal was to facilitate cooperation between state authorities and local governments. The Council includes the heads of ministries and departments responsible for interregional and cross-border cooperation.

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