Friday, 20, September, 2024

The Uzbekistan unemployment rate in January-September 2020 topped 11.1%, recording 2.1% decrease to the first year-half, the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations said in a report.

In September, the Republican Scientific Center for Employment and Labor Protection of the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations conducted a regular sociological survey in 108 cities and districts. The study covered 490 self-government bodies, 4.9 thousand households, 26 thousand citizens.

In January-September 2020, the number of work abled population reached 19,121.3 thousand people, surpassing the 2019 figure by 0.7%, or 135.5 thousand people.

The number of people employed in the economy sectors stood at 13 205.2 thousand people, a 3.7% increased.

The number of labour emigrants has topped 1,912.6 thousand people, recording 6.3% decreased or by 128.3 thousand people.

According to the report, the number of jobseekers is 1,642.5 thousand people, or 11.1%, while the unemployment among the youth aged 16-30 was 17.1%, among women - 14.7%.

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