Tuesday, 24, September, 2024

Traffic accident occurred in the Romitan district of the Bukhara province, in which a schoolboy died. Reportedly, the assistant to the district mayor in Iftikhor mahalla, Elyor Toshpulatov hit a third-grader from the 7th school in a Nexia 2, who died at the scene.

The press service of the district mayor’s office confirmed the information about the accident.

One of the local Telegram channels said that "the driver had violated the rules and had exceeded the speed limit."

The press service of the district mayor’s office said that the actions of the assistant mayor were being investigated by the human resources department.

The press service of the Bukhara province police department, a criminal case has been opened on this fact.

This is the second incident related to the death of a schoolboy in a traffic accident this week, which has become known to the public. On September 19, in the Sergeli district of Tashkent, a BYD crossover, driving at a high speed, hit a 9-year-old schoolgirl who was crossing the street after getting off a bus. The child died on the way to the hospital.

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