Thursday, 19, September, 2024


For the first time in history a representative of Uzbekistan, the director of the National Center for Human Rights, Akmal Saidov has been elected to the UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) for 2025-2028, Dunyo said.

In a significant step towards sustainable water management, The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan represented by the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) and the Government of Switzerland represented by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) signed the Agreement on the National Water Resources Management Project (NWRM) in Uzbekistan, Phase 3.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, during a visit to the Bukhara province on May 31, launched three major projects - a MTO gas chemical complex (GCC), a solar power plant and an international airport in Bukhara.

Uzgidromet announced weather forecast for the weekend in Tashkent city. The weather will be partly cloudy, with no precipitation expected. The temperature on will be, at night - +16...+19 degrees, during the day - +31...+34 degrees.

Jahongir Azimov was confirmed as director of the Public Fund for the Support and Development of National Mass Media, the Fund’s press service said.

The President Mirziyoyev signed a decree on May 30 creating the State Museum of Jadid Heritage in the Hovli Poyon complex in Bukhara.

Lists of “complainants” have been compiled in five districts and cities of the Khorezm province, which include 44 individuals. It is not yet known which authority compiled this list and to where it provided it. It was seen at a visiting reception held in the province with the participation of sector leaders.

Uzbekistan’s public debt as of January 1, 2024 reached $34.9 billion, recording $5.7 billion increase over the past year, the Ministry of Economy and Finance said in a report. This is more than the forecasted figure ($32.1 billion) by $2.8 billion.

112 universal number for all emergency services will start operating in Tashkent city and the Tashkent province from June 1, this is provided for by the May 29 government resolution, the Ministry of Justice reported.

Energy Minister Zhurabek Mirzamakhmudov, in an interview with the Uzbekistan 24 TV channel after a on May 30 government meeting, told how the consumption of power and gas has changed in Uzbekistan after prices were raised on May 1.

Deputy PM/Chair of the Inter-Agency Commission on WTO Accession, Jamshid Khodjaev led the delegation, which also included Azizbek Urunov, Special Representative of the President on WTO issues and Chief Negotiator for WTO accession, Ahadbek Khaydarov, Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, Alisher Karimov, Deputy Minister of Justice, and Akmaljon Kosimov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Officials from a range of ministries and agencies also joined the delegation in Geneva.

Footage circulated on social networks on the eve in which a driver on Captiva SUV was trying to run over several people on a football pitch in Syrdarya province. The situation was commented by the provincial police department.

From June 1, 2024, a number of legislative changes and other novelties will take effect in Uzbekistan. Fees for state-owned kindergartens in Uzbekistan to rise increase.

Draft State Social Insurance Bill has been posted for public input on the portal for discussion of draft regulations. The draft was developed by the National Social Protection Agency.

In May, the office of the United Nations Children's Fund () in Uzbekistan delivered the first batch of oxygen equipment to the provincial children's hospital and provincial perinatal center of the Kashkadarya province, the UNICEF office reported in the country.

The Central Bank set a new exchange rate for foreign currencies to the Uzbek soum from May 30. The US dollar to soum exchange rate fell by another 9.22 soums at the end of the trading on May 30. In general, the dollar has fallen against the soum for the fifth day in a row (since May 24), falling by almost 84 soums - from 1274.72 to 12640.87 soums.

Climate disasters, unfortunately, have become the norm in the recent years, and it is the fruit and vegetable sector, as the most sensitive to climate change, that suffers more than other segments of agriculture.

The new high-rise buildings of Uzsanoatqurilishbank, Asakabank and Aloqabank located on Tashkent City business district will be sold through open auction, with KPMG hired as a privatization consultant, the State Asset Management Agency (SAMA) said.

Experts from the Needs Assessment Mission of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE/ODIHR NAM) landed in Uzbekistan, the press service of the Central Election Commission said.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has encountered 30,000 Chinese immigrants, 8,900 illegal immigrants from India, 7,800 from Turkey, 2,900 from Uzbekistan, 4,400 from Mauritania, 3,000 from Vietnam, and 5,600 from Guinea at the border since October 1.