Saturday, 21, September, 2024


Woman who tried to sell her one-year old daughter for 90 million soums was arrested in Navoi province, or 7,500 USD, UzA said.

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov hosted the Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov, who arrived in Kyrgyzstan to attend the tenth meeting of the joint intergovernmental commission on bilateral cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Helicopter landed on the pitch during the football match between Kyzylkum U21 (Navoi) and Metallurg U21 (Bekabad), the press service of the Metallurg FC said.

Having reconsidered the application and supporting documents, the Ministry of Justice refused to register the Haqiqat, Taraqqiyot va Birdamlik (Truth, Development and Unity) democratic party. This is stated in the press service of the department.

President’s Envoy for Afghanistan Ismatulla Ergashev held talks with the Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of the UK Mission to Afghanistan Robert Chatterton Dixon via conference call.

Today, Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman met with Uzbekistan Minister of Digital Technologies Sherzod Shermatov to discuss the U.S.-Uzbekistan partnership, including ongoing work to support the IT sector, advance the digital economy, and foster private sector growth in Uzbekistan. 

Man who promised to help to cross the US-Mexico was arrested in Kashkadarya. He asked for 15,000 US dollars for his services, while he was caught when receiving 5,000 dollars, the Department for Combating Economic Crimes said.

Today, the Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov landed in Issykkol, Kyrgyz Republic on a working visit. At the Issykkol international airport, the PM Aripov was welcomed by the Deputy PM of Kyrgyzstan Bakhit Toroboev.

Now IndiGo, LOT Polish Airlines and Malinda Airways may now operate regular flights to Uzbekistan. On the basis of intergovernmental agreements on air service between Uzbekistan with the relevant countries, the Uzaviatsia Agency issued operating permits for regular flights to Uzbekistan to the following foreign air carriers:

The Interior Ministry commented on the placement of two bloggers, Sanjar Ikramov and Sherali Komilov on the wanted list. Reportedly, Sanjar Ikramov, 35, aka Sanjar Xo'ja, on March 1, 2011, proposed to help to buy a vehicle to the citizen F.Kh. He took 20 million soums from the victim and spent them on his own needs.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has rejected the bill proposing harsher penalties for illegal tree felling, said Alisher Kadirov, vice speaker of the Legislative Chamber and leader of the Milliy Tiklanish party.

Kazakhstan has not received proposals from Uzbekistan and Russia regarding a tripartite gas union. This was reported by Kazakh media on Monday citing the official representative of the Kazakh Ministry of Energy Shyngys Ilyasov.

Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Plant has once again become the largest taxpayer in Uzbekistan. In 2022, the share of Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Plant in tax revenues from large taxpayers to the state budget topped 16.3 percent.

Turkmenistan has expressed concern about Russian official's statement that other countries were also seeking to join the "gas alliance" that now includes Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. This was stated by the Deputy chief of Turkmengas Myrad Archaev. His words were posted on the website of the Turkmen Foreign Ministry.

On Saturday afternoon, five beams of an overpass under construction in front of the Tashkent international airport collapsed at once. The story about this surfaced on social networks.

The draft Uzbekistan-2030 strategy and the steps for its implementation in 2023 set a number of goals for the green transition and a sharp leap in the use of renewable energy, Dunyo said.

Uzbek soum depreciated by over 450 soums to the US dollar to over 12 thousand soums for 1 USD in a number of Uzbek banks' exchange offices.

Business forum kicked off at the Uzbek embassy in Beijing as part of the visit of the delegation of Navoi province to China, Dunyo said.

Uzbekistan has climbed to 30th place out of 195 countries in the Open Data Inventory (ODIN) ranking. Open Data Inventory (ODIN) identifies gaps in official statistics, promotes open data policies, improves communication between national statistical authorities and data users, and assesses openness.

Tripartite gas union of Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan can be expanded to include other countries, the Director of the Department of Economic Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry Dmitry Birichevsky.