Saturday, 26, October, 2024

The Legislative Chamber today passed in the first reading the amendments and addenda to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan to further strengthen the children’s rights.

As the press service of the chamber said, the bill provides for the supplementing the Article 47 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility (“Failure to perform duties for the upbringing and education of children”) with rules on sanctions for the illegal involvement of a child in the process of religious education by parents or persons replacing them.

In case of illegal involvement of a child in the process of religious education by parents or persons replacing them, the amendments proposed to impose a 10 to 15 basic calculation units (BCU) in fine.

If the same violation is repeated within a year after the application of an administrative penalty, this may entail a fine in the amount of 15 to 25 BCU or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

They also proposed to prohibit the involvement of a child by parents or persons replacing them in the process of religious education in violation of the law, i.e. the transfer of a child to receive religious education to unregistered or unlicensed organizations or persons who do not have special religious education and provide religious education without permission central governing body of religious organizations.

The passing of the amendments “will serve to protect the rights of children in the field of education, their development as harmoniously developed individuals and the prevention of their becoming victims of the ideas of religious extremism, separatism and fanaticism,” the statement said.

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