Friday, 26, July, 2024

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is promoting green innovation in the agribusiness sector of Uzbekistan by supporting operations of the country’s leading brewer UzCarlsberg.

A senior EBRD loan of up to €14 million (to be provided in two tranches) to UzCarlsberg will help finance the company’s capital expenditure and improve its resource management.

The funds will be used to install a CO2 capture and recuperation system and to improve packaging practices by significantly increasing the share of returnable packaging. As part of the project, UzCarlsberg will also introduce more efficient filtration and cooling systems and acquire cooling units that operate on natural-based refrigerants.

The sustainability of the agribusiness sector is particularly important for Uzbekistan as it contributes to almost 30 per cent of GDP and employs more than 3.65 million people across the country.

The project is supported by the Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) and the Japan-EBRD Cooperation Fund (JECF).

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