Friday, 14, March, 2025

In January-March, the Consular Office of the Uzbek Foreign Ministry and the consular missions issued visas to 52,224 foreign nationals, of which 19,197 tourist and 8,613 business visas, the Tourism Development Committee said referring to the Foreign Ministry.

The total number of issued visas to the same period in 2016 increased by 6% and tourist visas – by 13%.

The Committee noted that in Q1 Uzbek companies took part in 40 international exhibitions.

From March 18-25, the National Museum of Kazakhstan (Astana) hosted an exhibition - Uzbekistan’s Contemporary Art and from April 5 to May 10 at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow) -  the exhibition Treasure of Nukus  from the exhibits of the Karakalpakstan Museum of Arts named after Savitsky.

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