Thursday, 13, March, 2025

The President Shavkat Mirziyoyev decreed Wednesday the creation of a Ministry of Housing and Utility Services. The new Ministry will focus on “further improving the management of housing and utility services (HUS) system", according to the decree.

The official commentary to the decree said that the creation of a new ministry is aimed at "improving the management and operation of the multi-apartment housing stock on the basis of a clearly interlinked technological chain of interaction with the housing and utility services companies, creating of an effective system of technical control over the safety of apartment buildings, utility services, as well as ensuring the sustainable activities of private homeowners associations (PHA). "

Nowadays in Uzbekistan, there are more than 4000 PHAs that service to more than 32,4 thousand apartment buildings. The degree of housing per capita reached an average of 15.2 sq. m. against 12.4 sq. m. in 1991 given significant demographic growth over this period.

An analysis of housing and utility sector revealed a number of problems that require urgent solutions. The local authorities are poorly coordinating the activities of PHAs and the HUS companies. There is no comprehensive approach to the management and operation of the multi-apartment housing stock, which in fact hinders the guaranteed provision of quality utility services to households and causes justifiable complaints from homeowners.

Effective control over the safety of the multi-apartment housing stock has not been established, and the requirements for its technical operation and safe living conditions are often violated. The rules and deadlines of repair and restoration works of buildings and structures are not observed, near slum housing are not being demolished, adjacent territories to apartment buildings are not kept in line with sanitary standards, rules and hygienic standards.

The level of providing the population with quality drinking water and centralized heat supply remains insufficient.

A Ministry of Housing and Utility Services of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Offices of Housing and Utility Services in provinces and the Main Office of Housing and Utility Services of Tashkent city with offices in the districts (cities) are created within the new ministry.

An Inspectorate for Control over Operation of Multi-Apartment Housing Stock with territorial inspectorates in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, provinces and Tashkent city were established within the Ministry.

The decree also provides for the creation within the Ministry of a Development Fund implying targeted direction of its funds, mainly, into construction, repair and overhaul of affordable housing, water, sanitation and heat supply facilities, procurement of special equipment, tools, machinery and mechanisms , as well as other purposes, to be funded through loans, including preferential loans from international financial institutions and banks, fines imposed by inspectorates, a special mark-up on tariffs for drinking water supply established by the Council of Ministers Karakalpakstan, provincial governor and mayor Tashkent offices in coordination with territorial financial bodies, as well as other sources.

It is expected that the decree will allow ensuring the conduct of necessary structural reforms in order to form a unified system of management of the housing and utility services aimed at improving the accessibility and quality of housing and utility services.

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