Wednesday, 12, March, 2025

Uzbek Committee for Motor Roads have been established instead of State joint-stock company for construction and operation of motor roads (SJC "UzAvtoYul" (transl. Uz Auto Road)). This is provided for by Presidential Decree "On measures to further improve road management system", UzA reported.

The objectives of this transformation are creation of an efficient road management system based on comprehensive approach when designing, construction and maintenance of roads and buildings, improving their system of financing and establishment of a full-fledged body, that oversees the quality of design and road construction works.

The main tasks and activities of the new Committee are conducting of common technical, investment and foreign policy for the development and improvement of the road network, development and implementation of road development strategy, creation of international transit corridors of motor roads, comprehensive solution on financing, design, construction, repair and maintenance of roads.

The Committee will coordinate the work to ensure the preservation of the existing network of inter-farm rural roads, streets of cities, towns, townships and villages with maintenance of a high transportation and operational level, organization of scientific research, introduction of innovative technologies and modern standards in the field of design, construction and operation of motor roads.

The committee's task also includes the monitoring of compliance with urban planning regulations, state quality standards during construction and repair of roads, improving the work of the laboratory quality control services, organization of training, retraining and advanced training, including training internships and seminars abroad.

Decree provides for the creation of the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of road construction works under the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan.

Its main tasks and activities are monitoring observance by legal and physical persons of requirements of normative documents in the field of technical regulation of road construction, manufacture of road-building materials, products and structures.

The document also provides for submission of the Republican Road Fund under the Ministry of Finance to the Cabinet of Ministers.

Another document - the President Resolution on the organization of activities of the Committee for Motor Roads and the Road Fund - provides for the establishment under the State Committee of the State Unitary Enterprise "Directorate for construction and reconstruction of public roads", and at the committee’s territorial branches of engineering companies- "Body for regional roads" and specialized enterprises for repair of regional motor roads.

In order to train highly qualified specialists Tashkent Institute for the design, construction and operation of motor roads and specialized professional colleges have been passed to the State Committee.

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