The "Life Sciences Festival" is a large-scale event open to the general public which will take place on April 24 and 25, 2025 at the academic agriculture campus in Tashkent.
Two universities - International Agricultural University (IAU) and Tashkent State Agriculture University (TSAU) are together preparing the Open Doors Days that will include a series of presentations, seminars and exhibitions. They invite everyone who is interested in agriculture, science, protection of nature, and in a unique opportunity to establish international contacts.
This year the festival is focused on Environmental Protection and the Green Economy aligning with the declaration of 2025 as the Year of Sustainability by the President of Uzbekistan. The meeting aims to inspire innovation, foster collaboration, and empower participants to contribute to impactful solutions for global sustainability challenges. The program includes several important debates: about transformations in the academic environment, in economy and society in the face of climate change, the impact of artificial intelligence and other technologies, as well as about global problems and trends.
The event is held in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, representatives of the United Nations and the European Union, as well as numerous other partners. Strong support has been provided by the FAO - the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Numerous guests from the UK, the US, India, Singapore, Poland, Lithuania have already confirmed their attendance. A group of over 60 doctoral students will meet to discuss their research topics. It is also planned to publish selected presentations and conclusions from the debates.
The Science Festival is combined with the Young Leaders Sustainability Week - organized by the International Institute of Meta Professionals. Some 50 young leaders of sustainability from different countries are expected.
The organizers have declared: “We want to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable food production and popularize the study of this field in Uzbek society. So, we invite youth from schools across Uzbekistan, especially from grades 10-11, their families, students of agricultural universities and academic teachers from all agricultural universities in Uzbekistan and abroad. On our leafy campus, you can relax with music and, at the end of the day, watch movies in the open-air cinema”.
To sum up, three main goals of this event are:
1. Creating a positive image of agriculture and life sciences in society, as not only an important part of the world economy but also a wide range of attractive professions and a stable career.
2. Popularizing innovative forms of teaching in Uzbekistan's universities - innovative and attractive presentations, free and dynamic discussions, international standards expected by the young generation.
3. Enriching the topics that universities deal with new issues and innovative forms of collaborations of scientists, entrepreneurs and NGOs from Uzbekistan and abroad.
Life science covers a wide range of different areas of science about living organisms and life processes. These areas include agriculture, biotechnology, bioinformatics, ecology, nutrition, genetics, medicine, neuroscience, and physiology. There will also be space for all types of innovation, including robotics, and debates on careers, finance and business collaborations. Visitors will be able to not only visit lecture halls, but also laboratories, communicate with foreign scholars from many countries around the world and attend interesting presentations.
More detailed information about the festival can be found on the website