Tuesday, 18, February, 2025

At the Al-Ula Conference For Emerging Market Economy, the Government of Uzbekistan and the Islamic Development Bank signed two agreements aimed at developing the education sector and improving Uzbekistan's road infrastructure.

The first agreement concerns improving the quality and efficiency of education in Uzbekistan. As part of this project, the Islamic Development Bank will contribute US$160.25 million. The initiative is being implemented jointly with the Global Partnership for Education and is in line with Uzbekistan's national education strategies.

The main areas of the project include:

  • building 58 inclusive schools equipped with laboratories, furniture and digital infrastructure;
  • setting up of 2,431 classrooms;
  • introduction of a competency-based approach to curricula and teaching materials;
  • improving teacher training, student assessment systems and education quality control mechanisms;
  • introduction of inclusive education that provides equal learning opportunities for all children.

Before 2026, all children in Uzbekistan will reportedly have improved access to quality education within an inclusive and competency-based education system. The main goal of the project is to create a sustainable education model focused on developing students' skills and improving their academic results.

The second agreement provides for the reconstruction and modernization of the A373 highway. The Islamic Development Bank will contribute US$138.8 million for this purpose.

The main goals of the project are:

  • reducing travel time by 50% - to 30 minutes by 2030;
  • reducing accidents by 40% - reducing the annual level of accidents to 24 cases;
  • expanding the existing four-lane highway;
  • improving regional and local transport accessibility;
  • optimizing trade routes, developing tourims and strengthening integration with neighbouring countries.

Following the talks, the parties agreed to further advance mutual cooperation and develop partnerships.

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