Friday, 14, March, 2025

In Bakhmal district of Jizzakh province, a traffic accident occurred in which two girls died. According to the Jizzakh province police department, on November 18 at approximately 19:30 on the 29th km of the Galaaral-Zaamin highway, the driver of GM Cobalt A. O., 33, hit two children crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing: a girl I. M., 13, and her younger sister, 4, and then fled the scene.

Both sisters died from their injuries at the scene.

The Jizzakh province police department launched a criminal case against the driver under Violation of traffic safety rules or operation of vehicles, resulting in casualties charge and Abandonment in danger, resulting in casualties charge of the Criminal Code.

During the operational event, the suspect was detained and placed in a temporary detention facility, with investigation underway.

In the first five months of this year, traffic accidents involving 359 students were officially recorded in Uzbekistan, of which 65 died and 294 received injuries of varying degrees. The Road Safety Service continues to keep detailed records on accidents.

2,282 people died in traffic accidents in Uzbekistan in 2023, including 263 children.

Traffic accidents are among the top five causes of death in Uzbekistan. Almost three years ago, the president called the situation in the field of road safety "emergency". But the authorities and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate continue to delay taking decisive measures to improve the situation.

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