Wednesday, 12, March, 2025

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved a list of government bodies where employees may work together with their relatives.

The list includes employees of government bodies that may be exempted from the rules restricting the co-working of relatives.

It includes employees of 17 government bodies:

  • Employees of diplomatic missions and consular offices of Uzbekistan in foreign countries;
  • Specialists of agricultural organizations and agricultural research institutions in rural areas;
  • Employees of railway line organizations, road, construction and installation and bridge construction trains, mechanized columns and other mobile structures of specialized trusts of railways, save for chief accountants, warehouse managers (warehousemen) and cashiers of these enterprises and organizations;
  • Employees of communication organizations;
  • Doctors of healthcare, medical and preventive and sanitary and epidemiological organizations;
  • Pedagogical staff, teachers, bibliographers and librarians in all educational organizations;
  • State civil servants belonging to political group of state civil service positions for which an employment contract is not entered into in accordance with the State Civil Service Law;
  • Employees of theaters, artistic teams and studios;
  • Employees of archives, employees of scientific institutions, save forchief accountants of institutions, accountants, warehouse managers (storekeepers) and cashiers, as well as employees of seismic stations;
  • Employees of branch organizations of Hydrometeorological Service Agency under Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change;
  • Employees of field geology (expeditions, plots and other) organizations;
  • Forestry and water management specialists working in rural areas, employees of pre-school and school education organizations, medical personnel, employees of cultural and educational organizations;
  • Except for employees of road organizations using public highways, chief accountants of organizations, warehouse managers (storekeepers) and cashiers;
  • Except for employees of construction-assembly and bridge-building trains, mechanized convoys and other mobile special construction structures, chief accountants of organizations, warehouse managers (storekeepers) and cashiers;
  • Employees of floating crew of river fleet ships and employees of organizations using river transport, except for chief accountants, warehouse managers (storekeepers) and cashiers of these organizations;
  • Employees of construction, construction-assembly and other specialized departments and sections that regulate laying of main pipelines and oil and gas fields, save for chief accountants of organizations, warehouse managers (warehousekeepers) and cashiers;
  • Employees of fisheries in basins and lakes, except for chief accountants, warehouse managers (storekeepers) and cashiers of these organizations.

It is prohibited for persons who are close relatives or relatives by blood (parents, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, husband and wife, as well as parents, brothers, sisters and children of husband and wife) to serve together in the same government body if their joint service is dependent on direct subordination of one of them to other or their being under his control.

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