Friday, 20, September, 2024

The Senate passed the bill regulating educational activities at its September 20 session, the press service of the Senate said. Reportedly, there are an increasing number of cases of "unhealthy educational work among young people, within the framework of which various alien views and ideas influence the consciousness, culture and feelings of the population and young people”.

The Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Science, Education and Healthcare Odiljon Iminov noted that we are talking about fake trainers and lecturers who do not have the necessary knowledge and experience.

According to him, the current legislation does not reflect the types of activities that are carried out such as a report, presentation, seminar, master class, course, lecture, marathon and round table. "This, in turn, has a negative impact on the education of our children," he said.

An amendment is being made to the Education Law to define the procedure for implementing educational activities.

For carrying out educational activities by a person who does not have the right to engage in this activity, or failure to comply with restrictions in laws when carrying out educational activities, a fine is introduced for citizens from 5 to 10 basic calculation units (from 1.7 million to 3.4 million soums), and for officials - from 10 to 15 basic calculation units (from 3.4 million to 5.1 million soums).

The same offense, committed repeatedly within a year after the application of an administrative penalty, entails the imposition of a fine on citizens from 10 to 15, and on officials - from 15 to 20 basic calculation units.

The Bill proposed the procedure, forms, requirements and conditions for the implementation of educational activities, the circle of persons who are prohibited from carrying out educational activities, and serves to eliminate existing problems and obstacles in the implementation of educational activities in society.

According to the bill previously adopted by the Legislative Chamber, activities carried out outside the framework of state educational programs aimed at developing the necessary skills and qualifications for the personal, intellectual and spiritual development of a person, increasing social and economic activity, demonstrating intellectual and creative potential, improving individual potential, skills, and communication skills shall be deemed as educational activities.

It is envisaged that educational activities can be carried out by executive authorities, local government bodies, citizens' self-government bodies, individuals and legal entities, taking into account the requirements of the law.

The Bill also defines a list of persons who are prohibited from engaging in educational activities.

The procedure for educational activities, their forms, requirements and conditions will be determined by the Cabinet of Ministers.

For the Bill to take effect, it must be signed by the president of Uzbekistan.

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