Friday, 20, September, 2024

Over 12 thousand parents were brought to administrative liability for failure to perform their duties in raising and educating their children. The director of the department of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education (MPSE) Azamat Kamalov said.

He reminded that general secondary education is compulsory in Uzbekistan. According to him, some parents take their children abroad for travel “for three days” or for treatment, or leave them unattended, which is why the child regularly misses school.

“There are parents who put their children to work instead of them going to school. They say: “With study, will he/she become a scholar? He must work with me and support the family.” Students were found to be spending time in Internet cafes or other entertainment venues, telling their families that they were going to school. In such cases, returning students to school, outreaching the families and parents is the direct liability of the local authorities (meaning National Guard employees assigned to schools - ed.),” said Azamat Kamalov.

Some schoolchildren and their parents are not happe with the quality of education and visit tutors instead of school. Some students do not go to classes due to cold rooms and poor quality roads. To this, the head of the MPSE department responded:

“According to our findings, mostly students in grades 10-11 go to private teachers to study foreign languages or prepare for university entrance exams. Indeed, the regularity of students attending school depends on the quality and attractiveness of education.

Azamat Kamalov reported that, according to the latest analysis, out of 6 million schoolchildren, more than 14 thousand do not regularly attend classes (previously it was reported about 50 thousand).

According to him, in 2023, more than 12 thousand parents who “responsibly upbringing their children” and whose children committed offenses were fined under Failure to perform duties for raising and educating children, including resulting in the commission of an administrative offense by a minor charge, which entails a fine from 1 to 5 basic calculated values).

He emphasized that bringing them to justice is the last resort; before that, parents will be warned several times.

According to the Supreme Court, in January of this year, 52 people were brought to administrative liability under Article 47 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

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