Friday, 20, September, 2024

73 turbines have been erected at two wind farms project in Bukhara province, the press service of the Ministry of Energy said. The project is being implemented by ACWA Power from Saudi Arabia.

500 MW each wind farms are being erected in Peshku and Gijduvan districts. Each wind turbine has been manufactured by Envision (China) and has a capacity of 6.5 MW. Thus, the total capacity of erected turbines stands at 474.5 MW.

The height of each turbine tower is 100 meters, and the length of each blade is 84 meters. In total, 158 similar turbines will be erected at two farms as part of the project. The first 400 MW of 1,000 MW of total power plant capacity will be commissioned by the end of 2024.

After the wind power plants are fully commissioned, 3.6 billion kWh of electricity will be produced per year. This will help save 1.1 BCM of natural gas annually and prevent the emission of 1.5 million tons of harmful gases into the atmosphere.

260 km of overhead power lines with a voltage of 500 kV and two open switchgears of 500 kV will be built as part of the project.

New power transmission networks will improve the reliability of connections between the northwestern (Karakalpakstan autonomy and Khorezm province) and southwestern (Bukhara and Navoi provinces) parts of Uzbekistan’s energy system.

A wind power plant with a capacity of 500 MW is also being built in Tamdy district of Navoi province. Its first facilities were put into operation in December 2023 and are already producing “green” energy.

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