Friday, 20, September, 2024

Afghanistan has repaid ff its debt to Uzbekistan for power supplies that had been deferred over the last two years, the Afghan news publication Hasht-e Subh Daily said, citing a representative of the Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) power company Hikmatullah Maiwandi.

According to him, the company has fully repaid debts for the import power to Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan of nearly $627 million. Some of the debts remain from the previous government of Ashraf Ghani, who headed the country until August 2021.

According to the National Electric Networks of Uzbekistan, as of the end of 2022, Afghanistan owed $4.05 million to Uzbekistan. Last year, 1.82 billion kWh of electricity was supplied to Afghanistan worth of $91.18 million (about 5 cents per kWh). In 2023, $93.5 million was paid by Afghanistan.

In January, another 320 million kWh of electricity was supplied worth $15.99 million. As of February 1, Afghanistan still owes $1.24 million.


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