Friday, 20, September, 2024

Tashkent city public buses were used 241.7 million times in 2023. Toshshahartranskhizmat said. Public buses served an average of over 662.3 thousand passengers per day, which is 62% more than in 2022 (an average of 404.4 thousand passengers were transported in 2022).

Daily journeys averaged 16,847, an increase by 59.8% to 2022 (daily journeys averaged 10,542 in 2022).

A total of 6 million 149 thousand 147 journeys were made in 2023.

Currently, the capital's public transport network consists of 165 routes, nearly 1,700 buses running daily on average.

Also, according to the Statistics Agency, in 2023, 162.7 million passengers were transported in the Tashkent metro. This is by 26 million more than in 2022.

In 2023, an average of 445.9 thousand passengers were transported in the Tashkent metro in one day, which is 19% more than in 2022.

• Previously, the Ministry of Transport published an analysis according to which Tashkent public buses are 135 times more efficient than passenger transport. One passenger car carries an average of 4.3 passengers per day, and one bus carries an average of 580 passengers.

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