Friday, 20, September, 2024

Minimum consumer spending for 2024 has been set at 621 thousand soums per capita per month, which is 9.3% higher than last year, and has been adjusted to the 2023 inflation rate.

Note: Amount of minimum consumer spending in Uzbekistan in 2021 was 440 thousand soums, and from January 2022 it was set at 498 thousand soums. The last time this amount increased from 498 thousand soums to 568 thousand soums was in July 2023. 

In international experience, it is customary to use minimum consumer spending as the poverty line, and this figure is used: 

  • for identification of the target population group in need of financial and other social assistance from the government;
  • to use in determining the country's poverty line and taking into account the real consumer spending and needs of the target groups;
  • increasing the effectiveness and targeting of tasks and measures set in strategies and programs to combat poverty, as well as their constant monitoring;
  • as a criterion for determining the minimum pensions and benefits, as well as other types of financial support for low-income families.

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