Friday, 20, September, 2024

GM Tracker crossover inside a residential area hit two children aged 8 and 10 years old and might have crushed them in Tashkent’s Yunusabad district on Thursday. The footage of the incident surfaced on social networks.

The footage shows the driver, trying to make a U-turn, runs into children walking along the edge of the path, they fall from a height, the car, judging by the recording, falls on them. People get out of the car, passers-by also run towards it and try to get the kids out.

The Tashkent traffic police department reported that the Tracker was driven by a female, 37. The students were injured, the report said, but the severity of the injuries was not specified.

In 2019, a 12-year-old teen after being hit in the courtyard of a residential building in Yunusabad district. The woman who was driving said that she had mixed up the pedals.

In February of this year, in the same district, in one of the courtyards, a two-year-old child died after being hit by a Captiva car that was moving in reverse.

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