Saturday, 21, September, 2024

In 2024, it is planned to increase the supply of oil products from Russia to Uzbekistan via Kazakhstan to 1 million tons, the press service of the Ministry of Energy said. This is more than three times the volume of oil that was planned to be imported in 2023 (300 thousand tons).

A tripartite document on this was signed on November 4 in Moscow by the First Deputy Energy Minister Azim Akhmedkhadzhaev, First Deputy Energy Minister of Russia Pavel Sorokin, and Vice Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan Erlan Akkenzhenov.

The document noted that when implementing the agreement, the focus will is made on ensuring priority transportation through Omsk-Pavlodar-Shymkent-Shagyr oil pipeline.

It is expected that the document will make it possible to swiftly implement the agreements of the leaders of the three countries reached during the discussions on October 6-7.

While, reportedly the signed document should help develop the supply of pipe oil, taking into account the reduction in cost of transportation compared to rail supplies, promote the development of the oil pipeline infrastructure of Uzbekistan and border areas, increase the productivity of two Uzbek oil refineries (Fergana and Bukhara oil refineries) and increase production volumes the country has high-quality gasoline and other fuels and lubricants.

An increase in gasoline production will also make it possible to expand the network of gas stations in Uzbekistan, which will make it possible to provide the population with qualitatively new services in terms of service and geography of fuel sales, the Ministry of Energy added.

According to the ministry, the document will promote the modernization of existing oil refining capacities and the creation of new ones, as well as the growth of production of export products with high added value.

Earlier, Deputy Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan Erlan Akkenzhenov denied reports that Russian oil was replacing Kazakh oil in the Uzbek market. "It is not true. Currently, 87 thousand tons of Kazakh oil are being transported to Uzbekistan. If we manage to agree on improving supply conditions, then the volume will increase accordingly. We will be able to send Kazakhstan's oil from other directions. Volumes of Russian oil are indeed supplied, but they are much lower than the volumes of our Kazakh producers,” he said.

At the beginning of 2023, the volume of gasoline imports to Uzbekistan increased several times. In the first four months, 335.2 million liters were supplied, which is almost 2 times more than in the whole of last year. The total import value was $136.67 million, or $0.4 per liter. Almost the entire volume came from Russia.

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