Saturday, 21, September, 2024

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, speaking on November 3 at the Meeting of the Turkic Summit, quoted one of the founders of the ancient Turkic state, Bilga Hakan: “Get reborn, my Turkic people, know yourself in order to rise again!”

“In today’s rapidly changing times […], undoubtedly, these edifying words take on a particularly deep meaning. The voice of our fraternal peoples, inextricably linked by language, religion and spiritual values, now sounds even louder and stronger throughout the world,” said the head of state.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev also congratulated Kazakhstan, which recently celebrated the Republic Day, Turkey on the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of the republic, and Azerbaijan on the complete restoration of the country’s territorial integrity.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized that the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) occupies “an important place in the new world order and system of international institutions that are emerging today.” “The territory of our organization, covering a population of 160 million, is also a region with great economic opportunities,” he said, recalling that Uzbekistan has established strategic partnerships with all members of the OTS.

He also spoke out on the issue of the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

“We are witnessing an increasingly intensifying crisis of confidence on a global scale. New problems are emerging in ensuring global security. We are increasingly seeing deviations from international law. Of particular concern to all of us is the extremely dangerous nature of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that has been ongoing in the Middle East for a long time,” said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

He noted that as a result of the armed clashes, the number of deaths and injuries among the civilian population, especially the elderly, women and children, has sharply increased. In addition, the threat of widespread escalation of the conflict is growing.

“In this regard, we call on the parties to immediately stop hostilities, cease fire and move to a truce for humanitarian purposes. The only and fairest solution to this problem must be adopted on the basis of the principle of “two states for two peoples.” As defined in UN resolutions, the people of Palestine have the right to create an independent state,” said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The head of Uzbekistan added that within the OTS, the leaders of the participating countries must announce to the whole world “a unanimous stance on this matter.”

On October 28, Uzbekistan supported the UN General Assembly resolution on an “immediate permanent and sustainable humanitarian ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip. The document, together with the country, was supported by 120 states.

Previously, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan several times called on the parties to the conflict to end the armed confrontation and resolve the crisis through political and diplomatic means.

On the eve of the OTS summit, the President of Uzbekistan signed a decree allocating $1.5 million to the United Nations Near East Agency (UNRWA) to help Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip.

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