Saturday, 21, September, 2024

Amid complaints against the Russian ride-hailing, delivery service, the tax authority demanded that the company get registered in Uzbekistan, pay fixed taxes and start issuing receipts. Failure to do so before December 1, Yandex Go may be blocked in Uzbekistan.

The Tax Committee responded to claims made on social networks against Yandex Go.

The committee reported that Ridetech International B.V., the owner of the Yandex Go (registered in the Netherlands), is obliged to align their activities based on the following by December 1, 2023:

• register as a tax resident in Uzbekistan and pay relevant taxes;

• complete integration with the information system of tax authorities and provide clients with an automatically generated fiscal receipt.

Otherwise, the Tax Committee notified that it would contact the Ministry of Digital Technologies with an official request to block Yandex Go.

The fact that Yandex Go, which holds monopoly in many large cities of Uzbekistan, is not registered in Uzbekistan, does not pay taxes, does not issue fiscal receipts to its customers, and other circumstances have been repeatedly discussed by public activists.

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