Saturday, 21, September, 2024

Minsitry of Cilture will spend 488 million soums, US$ 40 thousand for designing a website dedicated to artists holding state awards in Uzbekistan. This is stipulated in the Sep 15 executive order of the Minister of Culture Ozodbek Nazarbekov, which was posted on the E-Qaror portal on October 3.

Creation of a website about artists is provided for by clause 77 in the list of 112 priority projects for digitalization of governance, approved by the May 25, 2023 presidential decree of. The project is planned to be financed from budget funds.

Working group headed by Deputy Minister of Culture Bakhodir Akhmedov has been formed for this project.

As per the cost for development of a passport and draft concept is estimated at 30 million soums, technical specifications - 40 million soums, examination by the Cyber Security Center - 10 million soums, development of the architecture of the information system - 85 million soums, design - 60 million soums, software part systems - 165 million soums, video instructions for users - 8 million soums, entering primary data (about the system and awards, information about 10 artists) - 12 million soums, integration of the portal with other systems - 60 million soums and other expenses.

On May 25, Ozodbek Nazrabekov ordered to provide 530 million soums for the development of an e-portal about cultural centers. On May 29, an agreement to develop the “Culture Centers” portal (Madaniyat markazlari) was entered into with the company Madaniy Hayot Media Marketing Markazi, which was registered on June 20, 2022 and in which a 51% stake belongs to the Ministry of Culture. The remaining shares are owned by Tanovor Music Group (25%), and Muhammadali Odiljonov, and Best Target Project (24%), the owners of which are Muhammadkodir Rasulov and Ikromjon Abduvaliev. Both companies were registered in May 2022.

It is worthnoting separately that the portal about cultural centers ( is not operating as ususal.

On September 26, the Ministry of Culture entered into an agreement with the same company to develop a unified register of guides. The contract price was at 117 million soums.

The Ministry of Culture also purchased two mobile stages from Turin Innovation Markazi for organizing outdoor concerts for 15.5 billion soums.

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