Friday, 18, October, 2024

The Swiss Casale SA launched a 500 thousand ton per year nitric acid production unit at Navoiazot (in Navoi region), with introduction of up-to-date energy-efficient technologies.

After commissioning of the facility the previous 50 year-old outdated production capacities will be dismantled. The company officials emphasized that the launch of this facility will give impetus to the comprehensive renewal of a number of nitrogen fertilizer production units, which in turn, will boost the agricultural industry.

At the beginning of the year at Navoiazot was launched the construction of a complex for the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), caustic soda and methanol. A contract was signed with the Chinese consortium involving CAMC Engineering and HQC Shanghai, with annual production capacity of 100 thousand tons PVC, 75 thousand tons of caustic soda and 300,000 tons of methanol per year.

Alaso at Navoiazot the Japanese consortium including Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Mitsubishi Corporation is implementing a large investment project for the construction of a ammonia and carbamide production unit, with annual production capacity of 660,000 tons of ammonia and 577.5 thousand tons of carbamide.

These three projects are financed thorugh long-term loans of the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan, foreign banks and Navoiazot’s own funds. According to the schedule, the production units will be put into operation in 2019, with 1,300 jobs expected to be created.

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