Thursday, 13, March, 2025

Botir Zaripov has been approved as the governor of Bukhara province at an extraordinary meeting of the regional council of people's deputies on Saturday, a source told the Tashkent Times. The information was also confirmed by the press service of the governor’s office.

Prior to his appointment, he had worked as chairman of Uzsanoatqurilishmateriallari association since April 2019.

After the former governor Karim Kamalov died from COVID-19 at the end of August, his deputy Farhod Umarov became the interim governor of Bukhara province. Now he will continue to work as the deputy governor in charge finance, economy and poverty reduction.

The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov and Head of the Presidential Administration Zainilobiddin Nizomiddinov.

Botir Zaripov, 51, graduated from the Tashkent Financial Institute (1997) with a degree in finance and credit.

In 1990-2008, he worked in senior positions in state-owned and private banks, in 2008-2012 - the deputy chairman of the Central Bank, in 2012-2013 - director of the department for control and regulation of non-bank credit organizations of the Central Bank, in 2013 - 2015 - director of the department of licensing and regulation of the activities of credit institutions of the Central Bank.

In addition, in 2015-2016 he served as first deputy chairman of the Board of Agrobank, in 2016-2019 - Chairman of the Board of Uzsanoatqurilishmateriallari (Uz Industrial Building Materials).

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