Monday, 16, September, 2024

The cause of death of three sisters in Tashkent on November 8 was the misuse of a medicine. The forensic medical examination found that the girls were prescribed Vermox (mebendazole, anthelminthic or anti-worm medication). However, the pharmacist, unable to decipher the handwriting of the doctor, gave Verapamil (medication for high blood pressure, angina (chest pain), and certain heart rhythm disorders).

As reported earlier three girls from a Tashkent family - Munisa, 7, Mukhlisa, 6 and Mohira, 4 died on November 8,  then it was presumed that it happened after poisoning with substances of unknown etiology. The girls were said to have felt unwell after eating kebab in a restaurant, their father then bought medicine in nearby pharmacy. The youngest died in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.

Experts concluded that the repeated use of Verapamil caused a cardiogenic shock (a life-threatening medical condition resulting from an inadequate circulation of blood due to primary failure of the ventricles of the heart to function effectively).


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