Friday, 20, September, 2024


Today, local governments of Kokand, Zarafshan, Termez, Yangibozor, and Buston cities presented the results achieved in the framework of the Youth and Child-Friendly Local Governance (YCFLG) initiative.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing fresh funds and creating new growth opportunities for women-owned and managed businesses in Uzbekistan by offering a loan of up to US$ 6 million (€ 5.5 million equivalent) to Uzbek Leasing International (Uzbek Leasing).

The global gender gap for women in the workplace is far wider than previously thought, a groundbreaking new World Bank Group report shows. When legal differences involving violence and childcare are taken into account, women enjoy fewer than two-thirds the rights of men. No country provides equal opportunity for women—not even the wealthiest economies.

Today, the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Uzbekistan and the UNDP held the handover ceremony of equipment to the Research Institute of Fisheries to support more sustainable fish farming practices. The provided equipment will help to reduce water consumption, improve water quality and energy efficiency in the fish farms, and, in turn, support the welfare of fish.

The Freedom House published “Freedom in the World 2024” report, which offered a special assessment of the state of democracy in 195 countries of the world.

A teenage Uzbek fencer has accused three Italian fellow athletes of raping her during a training camp in Tuscany last summer when she was a minor, her lawyer said on Monday.

Uzgidromet announced the Tashkent city weather forecast on Wednesday, March 6. The weather will be slightly cloudy, with no precipitation expected. The temperature will be +0...+2 degrees Celsius at night, +12...+14 degrees during the day.

Foreign Minister Bakhtiyor Saidov met with the the US Ambassador Jonathan Henick. "I hosted Mr. Jonathan Henick, Ambassador of the USA to our country at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," the Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan said on his Telegram channel.

The World Bank released today its flagship annual report, Women, Business and the Law (the 2024 WBL), which assesses progress toward legal gender equality worldwide. The 2024 edition features an index that evaluates 190 countries, including Uzbekistan, against 10 indicators: Safety, Mobility, Workplace, Pay, Marriage, Parenthood, Childcare, Entrepreneurship, Assets, and Pension.

Today, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) announced the launch of the Business Support Project, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at fostering sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Uzbekistan. The launch event marks the beginning of a five-year journey towards enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises across four key sectors: information and communications technology (ICT), tourism, textiles, and the green economy.

Former Andijan city mayor Bakhrom Khaidarov, 51, who had been serving a 10-year prison sentence since the end of 2022, has died, which was confirmed by the spokesman of the Prosecutor General's Office.

The global gender gap for women in the workplace is far wider than previously thought, a groundbreaking new World Bank Group report shows. When legal differences involving violence and childcare are taken into account, women enjoy fewer than two-thirds the rights of men. No country provides equal opportunity for women—not even the wealthiest economies.

According to the Republican Center for Seismic Forecasting Monitoring of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, an earthquake occurred in Uzbekistan today at 11:29 AM local time.

On Sunday, March 3, the United States concluded another repatriation flight to Uzbekistan, returning a significant number of Uzbekistani nationals who do not have legal authorization to remain in the United States. This flight is the latest in a series of actions the U.S. Government has taken in response to Uzbek nationals irregularly crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.

Uzbekistan exported 146.3 thousand tons of fruits and vegetables worth US$ 75.4 million in January 2024. According to the Statistics agency, this figure has increased by 2.2 times or 78.8 thousand tons compared to the same period of 2023.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is promoting green and inclusive lending in Uzbekistan by offering a financing package of up to US$ 20 million (€ 18.46 million) to the country’s leading private lender Ipoteka Bank controlled by OTP Group of Hungary.

Number of foreign-invested enterprises in the country stands at 14,199 as of February 1, 2024. According to the Statistics Agency, 4,675 of them are joint ventures and 9,524 are foreign enterprises.

On February 29, Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Commissioner of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Children’s Rights (Children’s Ombudsman) Bill into Law with immediate effect.

Tashkent unveiled Tashkent city weather forecast. On March 4−7 it will be without precipitation, with a light is possible on March 8. The temperature at night will be in the +3...+5 Celsius range, and will reach +15...+17 degrees. On March 6-7, fog is possible at night and in the morning.

On the sidelines of the third Antalya Diplomatic Forum, the Foreign Minister Bakhtiyor Saidov met with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on March 2, in Antalya (Turkey),, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.