Saturday, 21, September, 2024


Due to expected heavy rains in the foothills and mountainous areas of Uzbekistan, mudflows are expected on Wednesday and Thursday, the press service of Uzhydromet said.

Over the past period, teachers' salaries have increased by an average of 2.5 times, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the government meeting on Monday.

On August 25-26, Minister of Energy Zhurabek Mirzamakhmudov attended a meeting of officials of the energy and water management authorities of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan in Astana, the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan said.

On August 26-27, a delegation led by the Minister of Transport Ilhom Makhkamov and President’s Envoy for Afghanistan Ismatulla Ergashev visited Afghanistan.

On August 28, 2023, Mr. Hatori Takashi, Ambassador of Japan to the Republic of Uzbekistan, took part in the ceremony of providing medical equipment to the Family Polyclinic No.17 of Olmazor District of Tashkent City within the framework of the grant program "Japan’s Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects".

Cable car was launched on August 25In the Zomin tourist and recreational zone in Zomin district of Jizzakh province, a. The 133.3 billion soums (US$ 11 million) project was implemented with Swiss Bartolet, the press service of the Committee for Tourism said.

During a press tour in Karshi on August 25, the chairman of Uzbekneftegaz, Bakhodirjon Sidiqov, commented on the return of 67 wagons of oil products from Uzbekistan by Afghanistan.

Public Foundation for Support and Development of National Mass Media hosted a workshop on social networking technologies, their impact on content makers and journalists, as well as the reach and activity of users.

Power outage occurred at the Tashkent Airport at 22:09 Sunday due to an accident at the city's Qoyliq substation, the press service of Uzbekistan Airports said in a statement.

Export of goods and services to the USA topped $124.5 million in 2022, of which IT sector accounted for $ 79 million, or 63% of the total, said Minister of Digital Technologies Sherzod Shermatov.

On August 25, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev hosted the Chairman of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee of the US Senate Gary Peters.

Imam-khatib of the Tashkent’s Imam Termezi mosque, Isoqjon Begmatov was sacked, the press service of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan (MBU) said.

Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are making it easier for their citizens to cross the border, the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan said.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed decrees on appointments in his administration, Sherzod Asadov, press secretary of the head of state said on Friday.

At an open meeting on August 24, the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan rehabilitated another 240 people who were victims of Stalinist repressions between 1920 to 1931, the press service of the Supreme Court said.

From August 26 to 30, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Deputy Assistant Administrator (DAA) of the Bureau for Asia, Änjali Kaur, will be visiting Uzbekistan to advance the U.S.-Uzbekistan development partnership. DAA Kaur will visit USAID-supported project sites and meet with government officials and development partners. 

Uzbek Embassy in Kyiv congratulated Ukraine on the national holiday - Independence Day, which is marked on August 24. The congratulatory message in Ukrainian was published on the embassy's Facebook page.

Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan have agreed to enter into a new agreement on the supply of Turkmen gas, the state online newspaper of Turkmenistan "Golden Age" said.

The Senate at today’s 44th session rejected to pass the Subsoil Bill, the press service of the Senate reported. The reason was "a number of contentious issues at the conceptual level."

The Senate at today’s plenary session passed the amendments to the Currency Regulation Law, the press service of the Senate said earlier.