Saturday, 27, July, 2024

Presidents of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held talks at the Kuksaroy residence, the presidential press service reported.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev again congratulated Serdar Berdimuhamedov on his victory in the presidential elections in March.

“The wise Turkmen people entrusted you with their future, fully supporting the consistency of the course of large-scale reforms in the country. There is no doubt that your knowledge and experience, energy and leadership will make it possible to implement all the plans,” Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized.

The President of Uzbekistan commended the positive dynamics across the entire spectrum of bilateral cooperation achieved through joint efforts in recent years.

“I want to emphasize that Turkmenistan is a reliable and key partner in the region for us. We are committed to the further development of full-scale cooperation, we intend to strengthen the strategic partnership ties with our closest neighbor in every possible way,” said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The President of Turkmenistan, expressing gratitude for the hospitality and warm welcome, conveyed the warm greetings of the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov:

“Together with Gurbanguly Myalikguliyevich, you have consistently built and strengthened the foundation of bilateral relations, created a solid political and legal basis for cooperation. Our current state visit is designed to give a new impetus to the strategic partnership, and I am sure we will be able to achieve our goals,” Serdar Berdimuhamedov said.

During the meeting, the heads of state discussed the prospects for Uzbek-Turkmen cooperation, paying special attention to the development of trade and economic ties, increasing mutual trade, implementing industrial cooperation projects, and using transport and transit opportunities.

The parties noted the huge potential in interprovicnial cooperation.

An exchange of views took place on issues of the regional and international agenda. The importance of strengthening the atmosphere of trust, good neighborliness and partnership that has developed in Central Asia was emphasized.

It was emphasized that strengthening bilateral cooperation with Turkmenistan is an undoubted priority of Uzbekistan's foreign policy.

"I am sure that today's talks will play an important role in the further development of comprehensive cooperation, further strengthen the strategic partnership between the two fraternal countries and bring it to a qualitatively new level," the President of Uzbekistan emphasized.

At the meeting, it was noted that the decisions taken on the creation of the Uzbek-Turkmen border trade zone and the opening of trading houses in the capitals of the countries will contribute to maintaining positive dynamics and doubling the volume of trade in the coming years.

The parties highly appreciated the strategic partnership in the chemical industry. It is planned to expand cooperation in the automotive, electrical, textile and pharmaceutical industries, the food industry and agriculture. For these purposes, a medium-term program of trade and economic cooperation and the development of industrial cooperation will be adopted. In addition, a joint project office will be established to promote the most promising projects.

Much attention is paid to the development of cooperation in the field of transport. Last year, cargo transportation grew by 17%, and this trend continues this year. The parties expressed interest in creating favorable conditions for the effective use of the unique transit potential of the countries of the region, including through the mutual provision of benefits and discounts for the transportation of goods.

Touching upon the issues of water-energy cooperation, the heads of state noted the successful work of the Intergovernmental Commission on Water Management Issues. The President of Uzbekistan noted with satisfaction the signing today of the historic Agreement on the Amu Darya, which will ensure the rational use of water resources in the region, the report said.

Interest of Uzbekistan was expressed in expanding cooperation in the energy sector, including the supply of electricity, gas and oil products from Turkmenistan.

The Turkmen side expressed interest in diversifying and increasing trade, developing industrial cooperation.

“Among the specific industries where our countries have great potential, we single out the agro-industrial complex, energy, chemical and petrochemical industries, engineering, textiles and pharmaceuticals. There are serious opportunities for building partnerships between business communities. Border ties have intensified in recent years. We look forward to continuing and expanding cooperation with Uzbekistan,” the President of Turkmenistan said.

Serdar Berdimuhamedov invited the President of Uzbekistan to pay a return visit to Turkmenistan at any time convenient for him.

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