Friday, 14, March, 2025

As reported earlier on May 2 was held the second meeting of the International Press Club which was devoted to the activities of the internal affairs bodies.

During the meeting, the Uzbek Interior Minister Abdusalom Azizov mentioned the cooperation with foreign colleagues and the study of their experience.

"The Ministry cooperates with many foreign law enforcement agencies. A large number of employees undertake internships, participate in seminars, share experience, which is afterwards applied. When carrying out reforms, we must take into account both national specifics and the best practices of foreign countries, the introduction of information and communication technologies."

Also, during the IPC meeting, the media representatives gave questions on some pressing issues that the public is interested in.

First came a question on repair of roads in Tashkent.

"This year the Government adopted an ambitious Tashkent roads repair program with about 150 billion soums allocated from budget, which is almost 3 times higher to the previous year. The amount of works already completed to date is evident. The next task: is to repair all the roads in the capital within the next two years. "

A question was asked on passport and exit visa issues.

Long queues and red tape in passport offices should become a thing of the past, the Minister underscored.

40% of complaints submitted to the President’s Virtual Reception with regard to the Interior Ministry’s activities were related to issues of residence registration, passport and citizenship issues.

"One of the first steps to address these problems will be a significant increase in staff," Interior Minister said. "Secondly, if before sergeants were engaged, now officers will be appointed to handle these affairs, a measure which sholud ensure quality of service."

Introduction of ITs for automation of many processes should bring serious improvement to the work.

Deputy Chief of the Main Office for Migration and Registration of Citizenship under the Interior Ministry, Colonel Ulugbek Tashkhodzhaev specified that online appointment system should be introduced in offices throughout Uzbekistan by the end of the year. A draft government decision to this end is being developed at this very moment.

The working group is drafting a document which foresees introduction of internal and international passports with the cancellation of exit visa (commonly known as sticker) giving the right to travel abroad, said Ulugbek Tashkhodzhaev.

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