Friday, 14, March, 2025

The Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan has prepared a draft Presidential decree "On measures to improve the communicating system of legal acts, explanations of their nature and meaning."

The document foresees the introduction of a uniform procedure for communicating of legal acts (mostly in electronic form), and new ways of conducting outreach on them, the Ministry of Justice said.

As stated in the document, legal acts will be accompanied with information-analytical materials on them, for example, explanatory notes or comparative tables with an explanation of changes made.

It is proposed to distribute normative-legal acts in the form of official mailings and publications in the state and private media.

In addition, the law "On communicating of legal information and providing access to it" is being drafted to ensure the mechanisms for communicating of normative-legal acts.

Under legal information one understands the text of legal acts and their official interpretations, commentaries, explanations and other information aimed at making more understandible to the public the nature and meaning of legal documents.

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