Friday, 20, September, 2024

President Mirziyoyev signed a decree on February 9 ordering to set up an interprovincial hospice with 50 beds in Karshi city in 2026 to provide palliative care to patients suffering from severe hematological, oncological and clinical immunological diseases.

The hospice is set to be created within the existing capacities of the health care entities of Kashkadarya province. Its construction and maintenance will be financed from the province’s budget, and the necessary medical equipment will be purchased from the State Trust Fund for the Development of Medicine under the Ministry of Health.

The creation in Uzbekistan of a modern system of rehabilitation and palliative care, as well as hospices in order to improve the quality of life of patients with cancer, was provided for by a presidential decree of the spring of 2017.

In 2022, the country's first children's hospice, Taskin, was set up in the Tashkent province.

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