Friday, 20, September, 2024

Kazakhstan is working on signing a treaty with Uzbekistan and China on distribution of water in transboundary rivers, the Kazakh Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Nurzhan Nurjigitov said at a government meeting.

In particular, he spoke about joint use of transboundary water flows, advancing cooperation with neighboring countries. Seven out of eight water reservoirs in Kazakhstan are transboundary. The Ministry vowed to further empower the authorities of the members of the negotiating team on the use and protection of transboundary water bodies.

"The concept of the development of the water resources management system for 2024-2030 envisages the signing of a treaty by the government of Kazakhstan with Uzbekistan and China on the joint management, use and distribution of water in transboundary water bodies. It serves to develop international water relations. While, the ministry is developing a draft treaty on cooperation between Central Asian countries in the field of water and energy," said Nurjigitov.

Earlier, the Ratification of the Convention on the Law on Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses Bill was reviewed in the Parliament of Kazakhstan and submitted to the Senate. The Convention is an international legal framework that promotes the equitable and sustainable management of transboundary rivers, lakes and associated groundwater worldwide.

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