Friday, 20, September, 2024

Average population density in Uzbekistan as of January 1, 2024 was 82 people per This is 1.8 people more than a year earlier – 80.2 people, the Statistical Agency said in a report.

For comparison: at the beginning of 2011, the population density in the country was 64.9 people, by 2016 it surpassed 70 reaching 70.3, at the beginning of 2020 it reached 75.5 people per

Breaking down by provinces, the highest population density is recorde in Tashkent - 6787.5 people. In the Andijan province, this figure is 789.4 people, Fergana - 600.8, Namangan - 412.1, Khorezm - 329.9, Samarkand - 251, Syrdarya - 213.6, Tashkent - 201.6.

Less than 200 people per live in the Surkhandarya province - 143.1, Kashkadarya - 124.6, Jizzakh - 71.1, Bukhara - 50.8. The lowest indicators are in Karakalpakstan - 12 and Navoi province - 9.7.

In terms of permanent population, the largest populations are in Samarkand and Fergana provinces, where the population exceeds 4 million (in the second province this mark was passed in 2023): 4 million 208.5 thousand (11.4% of the total population of Uzbekistan) and 4 million 61. 5 thousand (11%), respectively.

They are followed by Kashkadarya province - 3 million 560.6 thousand, Andijan province - 3 million 394.4 thousand, Namangan province - 3 million 66.1 thousand and Tashkent province - 3 million 51.8 thousand. The permanent population of Tashkent at the beginning of the year amounted to 3 million 40.8 thousand people.

Less than 3 million people are registered in Surkhandarya - 2 million 877.1 thousand, Bukhara province - 2 million 44 thousand and Karakalpakstan - 2 million 2.7 thousand.

Less than 2 million live in Jizzakh - 1 million 507.4 thousand, Navoi - 1 million 75.3 thousand and Khorezm provinces - 1 million 995.6 thousand. The smallest population is in the Syrdarya province - 914 thousand people.

As reported earlier, Uzbekistan’s permanent population as of January 1, 2024 reached 36 million 799.8 thousand people. The net increase for the year was 774.9 thousand people, or 2.2%.

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