Friday, 20, September, 2024

Director of the Water Resources Authority of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Sokeev spoke about what the country received in return for water supplies to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

“Kazakhstan makes contributions annually. But they don’t transfer sums to us, the perform some work. For example, they repair bilateral facilities. At the Kirov Reservoir they changed the valve, which requires a lot of money. Every year they carry out maintenance work worth 179 million tenge ($401.8 thousand),” said Sokeev.

According to him, negotiations are currently underway with Kazakhstan on the transferring of funds necessary for maintaining the facilities.

“Because we carry out repairs on our own, we do not have contractors,” Sokeev said.

He noted that Uzbekistan also pays for water.

“Uzbekistan transfers money. They increase contributions every year. This was $240 thousand in 2023. And it will top $280 thousand this year. And there will be even more in 2025. It will keep increasing,” he said.

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