Friday, 20, September, 2024

A Concept for production of national TV series will be developed in Uzbekistan. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced this at a meeting on December 22, as reported by his press secretary Sherzod Asadov.

“The question is arising: how come we provide the prime time to foreign TV series? This sets us urgent goals that cannot be postponed. In particular, it is necessary to drastically reform the existing system of production of national TV series and support our producers,” said the head of state.

The head of state emphasized that it is necessary to bring national series to the level of ideological, artistic and technical attractiveness, “so that everyone would be interested in watching.”

To this end, a Concept for Production of National TV Series will be developed, which will “focus on creating modern conditions for local TV workers, especially actors, scriptwriters, directors and all related people.”

For this, according to the president, a free economic zone, studio district: Cinema Park would be created. The Cabinet of Ministers was instructed to submit a proposal to provide 50 hectares of land in the Tashkent province for a Cinema Park under public-private partnership terms.

The governors of Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent provinces have been instructed to begin projects to create “free economic cinema zones” in their regions.

The president Mirziyoyev also proposed considering the possibility of creating multi-part animated films about the exemplary life path of the great ancestors.

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