Saturday, 21, September, 2024

On October 3, another discussion on Uzbekistan took place in Strasbourg in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament. At the meeting, German politician and member of the European Parliament Viola von Cramon made remarks on relations between Uzbekistan and the EU and posted it on her X (Twitter) page:

“With its young hardworking population, natural resources and rich history, Uzbekstand has everything to become Central Asia’ success story. However, its people are struggling, its resources and land are eroding, and China and Russia – its autocratic neighbours – have turned it into their personal playground. The EU cannot decide to engage in more trade while turning a blind eye to the human rights abuses in Uzbekistan. Sure, working conditions in the cotton fields are improving, child labour is largely outlawed, but there is still a long way to go. Water resources are being mismanaged, cities are covered in toxic dust and the country is partly being turned into a desert. An ecological disaster looms over the 35 million people in Uzbekistan if these processes are not reversed.”

“The next EU enlargement will bring Uzbekistan much closer to the EU. Its people deserve a democratic alternative to China and Russia. The EU must be more present in Central Asia so it can do more for improving the lives of people and protecting its unique ecosystem.”

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