Sunday, 22, September, 2024

Today on May 4, the chief of Uzhydromet, Sherzod Khabibullaev, posted an emergency message. According to him, on May 5-6, in places in Uzbekistan, the wind is expected to increase to 15-20 m/s, in some areas gusts up to 22-25 m/s are possible, with dusty snow.

While, on May 5-7, it will rain in the country, in the foothills and mountainous areas there will be heavy rains in places.

Also in connection with the expected heavy rains on May 5-7 this year in the foothills and mountainous areas of the country:

  •          in Yakkabag, Dekhkanabad, Chirakchi, Kitab, Shakhrisabz, Kamashin and Guzar districts of Kashkadarya province;
  •          in Saryasi, Uzun, Altynsay, Denau, Baysun, Sherabad, Shurcha, Kumkurgan and Muzrabat districts of Surkhandarya province;
  •          in Urgut, Samarkand, Bulungur, Nurabad, Koshrabad, Kattakurgan, Payaryk, Dzhambai and Ishtykhan districts of Samarkand province;
  •          in Khatyrchi, Navbakhor, Nurata, Kanimekh and Karmana districts of Navoi province;
  •          in Zaamin, Bakhmal, Gallaaral, Sharaf-Rashidov, Farish and Yangiabad districts of Jizzakh province;
  •          in Akhangaran, Bostanlyk, Parkent, Pskent, Urtachirchik, Yukorichirchik districts, as well as the cities of Angren and Almalyk of the Tashkent province;
  •          in Pap, Kasansay, Chartak, Chust, Namangan and Yangikurgan districts of Namangan province;
  •          in Sokh, Shakhimardan, Fergana and Besharyk districts of the Fergana province;
  •          in Andijan, Asaka, Jalakuduk, Kurgantepa, Pakhtaabad, Izbaskan, Khozhaabad, Markhamat districts, as well as the city of Khanabad, Andijan province, mudflows and floods are possible.

Citizens living in the foothills and mountainous areas, vacationers and drivers traveling to mountainous areas are asked to take precautions.

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